Thursday, November 04, 2004
"We Beat Up the Smart Kids!"
Well, it's 2:30 PM on Thursday, Nov. 4 and it' been about 36 hours since I officially gave up on John Kerry's chances to replace George W. Bush and his cadre of butchers in the White House. As everyone surely knows by now, the Republicans thoroughly depantsed the Democrats in the recent elections, garnering much of their support from the Religious Right. Despite Bush's record of dishonesty and failure, the voters of the American Heartland (as opposed to its Brainland) flooded the polls, motivated by their consciences, and voted for Bush. Exit polls showed that 80% of those who listed "moral values" as their top concern cast their vote for the W. Exit Polls
But, one has to ask: what exactly were the "moral values" with which these voters were most concerned? Certainly, the voters could not have cast a vote for Bush on the grand-daddy of all moral values: murder. The Sixth Commandment clearly dictates: "Thou shalt not kill." And yet, as documented in previous entries, George W. Bush is guilty of launching an unjustified war that has, to date, resulted in the deaths of as many as 100,000 innocent victims. You might counter that Bush was not alone in this endeavor, that Congress and the American people backed him during the march to war and have only recently withdrawn their support. To a point, this is an accurate - if broad - portrayal of the history of the Iraq War. However, in drumming up support for his campaign of conquest, the President broke yet another of his God's commandments. The Ninth Commandment commands: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor." And yet, our President did just that. He lied about Iraq. What's worse, he lied so that we would support a horrific and unjustified war of aggression.
How can voters who are, ostensibly, most concerned with moral values (presumably, moral values of the Christian variety) cast their lot with a man who has clearly broken at least two* of their God's sacred commands? The answer is simple: the morally-concerned voters of this country do not base their moral intuitions on the teachings of their own God nor Savior nor His sacred texts. The salt of America decide for themselves what is right and wrong, whether consistent with their God's statement on the issues or not, and vote accordingly. And often, those moral decisions are founded more on obstinance than deliberation: the moral beliefs of a Christian Conservative is often nothing more than a reaction to the ideals of the dreaded East Coast Librul. The Religious Right in this country does not found their beliefs on rational analysis, but on a flat hostility towards progressive thinking, or as they would call it "permissiveness."
So, what we haveis a bloc of voters in Middle America who are entirely unreasonable. What they claim to believe, they disregard. What they actually believe is founded on hostile opposition to another group, not reason or strict textual adherence. The Religious Right is willing to believe that they are in danger of a terrorist attack, despite the fact that the "Red States" are at practically 0% risk of a such an attack in the foreseeable future. The Religious Right is willing to support a man because he has vaguely stated support for their view on abortion, despite his apathy towards pro-life efforts in practice. And, the Religious Right is even willing to oppose the Democrats based on an assumed equation of their beliefs on gay marriage with those of East Coast Libruls in general, despite the fact that the Democratic candidate's own stated views exactly mirrored those of their candidate. In summary, the only motivations relevent to the voting habits of the Middle American Moron are hatred and fear of the unknown. They cannot be reasoned with, especially if they are frightened and rancorous. And, the Bush Regime has done a fantastic job of keeping them that way.
So, what happened on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 was that the big, dumb, frightened and angry countryfolk of this nation took a stand against Reason. The Religious Right marched defiantly to the polls and cast their vote not for George W Bush, but against those East Coast Librul smarty-pantses who would dare to tell them how to run their country. They voted against the damned Frenchies who hate America. They voted against the Arabs who have the gall to oppose America's history of violence and oppression in their homeland. They cast a vote for defiance of Reason. They beat the hell out of the smart kids in this country by voting en masse for an idiot. And now they, along with us, will pay for it.
QUICK NOTE: There's one more thing I'd like to mention really quickly: it's good to see some familiar names now commenting here. I realize much of the discussion has been motivated by the recent election disaster. However, I'd love to continue to receive comments from y'all (and anyone else who reads this blog). Y'all's comments are greatly appreciated, and your contributions so far are priceless. Thanks for posting, and please send the link to this blog onward to your friends, family and well-wishers who might be interested. Now is the time to reorganize the progressive, empirical community to take back this country. We have to fight what's happening to America, one mind at a time.
*And possibly more. There is a good case that Bush's intent for this war is to obtain Iraqi positions for US military bases as well as Iraqi oil. Achieving these objectives would, of course, violate the Eigth Commandment, which sets forth a prohibition against theft. Another of the Commandments, the Tenth, might also provide a prohibition against this very action. And, of course, George W. Bush has worked on the Sabbath and has caused others to do the same (in violation of the Fourth Amendment).

But, one has to ask: what exactly were the "moral values" with which these voters were most concerned? Certainly, the voters could not have cast a vote for Bush on the grand-daddy of all moral values: murder. The Sixth Commandment clearly dictates: "Thou shalt not kill." And yet, as documented in previous entries, George W. Bush is guilty of launching an unjustified war that has, to date, resulted in the deaths of as many as 100,000 innocent victims. You might counter that Bush was not alone in this endeavor, that Congress and the American people backed him during the march to war and have only recently withdrawn their support. To a point, this is an accurate - if broad - portrayal of the history of the Iraq War. However, in drumming up support for his campaign of conquest, the President broke yet another of his God's commandments. The Ninth Commandment commands: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor." And yet, our President did just that. He lied about Iraq. What's worse, he lied so that we would support a horrific and unjustified war of aggression.
How can voters who are, ostensibly, most concerned with moral values (presumably, moral values of the Christian variety) cast their lot with a man who has clearly broken at least two* of their God's sacred commands? The answer is simple: the morally-concerned voters of this country do not base their moral intuitions on the teachings of their own God nor Savior nor His sacred texts. The salt of America decide for themselves what is right and wrong, whether consistent with their God's statement on the issues or not, and vote accordingly. And often, those moral decisions are founded more on obstinance than deliberation: the moral beliefs of a Christian Conservative is often nothing more than a reaction to the ideals of the dreaded East Coast Librul. The Religious Right in this country does not found their beliefs on rational analysis, but on a flat hostility towards progressive thinking, or as they would call it "permissiveness."
So, what we haveis a bloc of voters in Middle America who are entirely unreasonable. What they claim to believe, they disregard. What they actually believe is founded on hostile opposition to another group, not reason or strict textual adherence. The Religious Right is willing to believe that they are in danger of a terrorist attack, despite the fact that the "Red States" are at practically 0% risk of a such an attack in the foreseeable future. The Religious Right is willing to support a man because he has vaguely stated support for their view on abortion, despite his apathy towards pro-life efforts in practice. And, the Religious Right is even willing to oppose the Democrats based on an assumed equation of their beliefs on gay marriage with those of East Coast Libruls in general, despite the fact that the Democratic candidate's own stated views exactly mirrored those of their candidate. In summary, the only motivations relevent to the voting habits of the Middle American Moron are hatred and fear of the unknown. They cannot be reasoned with, especially if they are frightened and rancorous. And, the Bush Regime has done a fantastic job of keeping them that way.
So, what happened on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 was that the big, dumb, frightened and angry countryfolk of this nation took a stand against Reason. The Religious Right marched defiantly to the polls and cast their vote not for George W Bush, but against those East Coast Librul smarty-pantses who would dare to tell them how to run their country. They voted against the damned Frenchies who hate America. They voted against the Arabs who have the gall to oppose America's history of violence and oppression in their homeland. They cast a vote for defiance of Reason. They beat the hell out of the smart kids in this country by voting en masse for an idiot. And now they, along with us, will pay for it.
QUICK NOTE: There's one more thing I'd like to mention really quickly: it's good to see some familiar names now commenting here. I realize much of the discussion has been motivated by the recent election disaster. However, I'd love to continue to receive comments from y'all (and anyone else who reads this blog). Y'all's comments are greatly appreciated, and your contributions so far are priceless. Thanks for posting, and please send the link to this blog onward to your friends, family and well-wishers who might be interested. Now is the time to reorganize the progressive, empirical community to take back this country. We have to fight what's happening to America, one mind at a time.
*And possibly more. There is a good case that Bush's intent for this war is to obtain Iraqi positions for US military bases as well as Iraqi oil. Achieving these objectives would, of course, violate the Eigth Commandment, which sets forth a prohibition against theft. Another of the Commandments, the Tenth, might also provide a prohibition against this very action. And, of course, George W. Bush has worked on the Sabbath and has caused others to do the same (in violation of the Fourth Amendment).
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Well, you're now subject to the censorship of BrickHorn. Triple posts will not be tolerated here!
Just kidding. I know what you mean about Hornfans. It went through a genuine Golden Age a few years back, but just couldn't sustain itself at that level. Oh well. Hopefully, you'll start your own blog and provide me with the link info. I would really like to get a nice blogring going, and maybe eventually set up a bulletin board for the thinking Hornfans - maybe by invitation only or something.
Sorry to hear of your banishment. You will be missed, but there are other places on the interned which provide an opportunity to speak out. In fact, you're reading one right now. :)
Well, you're now subject to the censorship of BrickHorn. Triple posts will not be tolerated here!
Just kidding. I know what you mean about Hornfans. It went through a genuine Golden Age a few years back, but just couldn't sustain itself at that level. Oh well. Hopefully, you'll start your own blog and provide me with the link info. I would really like to get a nice blogring going, and maybe eventually set up a bulletin board for the thinking Hornfans - maybe by invitation only or something.
Sorry to hear of your banishment. You will be missed, but there are other places on the interned which provide an opportunity to speak out. In fact, you're reading one right now. :)
Your comments on the religious right only reveal a lack of understanding and insight into the meaning of the commandments and the context they have within the Bible. The Bible is filled with examples of war and acceptable killing of the enemy. In fact the armies of the Lord werent only instructed to kill enemy soldiers, but in many cases were to kill every man, woman and child to rid the world of the religious perversions that they carreis and prevent the Israelite nation from being corrupted and impure. There truly is the holy "jealous" side of God that is to be balanced when one discusses and views His "love". Sounds like a contradiction but truly if He is love then as He says, then He cannot allow His truth nor His people to be corrupted by lies that could lead countless others to hell. Yes I said hell because there is more written about that place in the Book that you quote than mentions of heaven. In fact hell is mentioned much more because the Bible wants its audience to realize that this place is real, it exists and that those who reject God and His truth will go there. Through His love He wished that no one would perish, but we are creatures of free will and this implies that we must make a choice. Your free choice will determine your eternal destiny as will mine. The arguments of whether the extreme right or the left are more morally correct or not will not be fruitful as neither is open enough to listen to the other, and their motivations are corrupted by their own agendas. Therefore, one must vote his conscience.
You obviously are not familiar with the numerous accounts in the Torah (and/or Bible's Old testament) of the many battles fought by the Israelites in their conquest of the Holy land. Even the harshest revisionist couldnt write or wish away the many battles, not to mention the punishments suffered by those Isrelites that didnt follow the commands of the Lord to their fullest extent. Ask any rabbi if you doubt this and they will tell you as well. As a completed Jew I hate war as much as the next person though there are times when it unfortunately occurs.
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